Event box

Virtual Worlds for Virtual Times Online
View a recording of this previously offered webinar. (2-hr)
This 2-hour webinar highlights virtual worlds and simulations to develop alternatives to authentic learning opportunities. We will also engage in an interactive discussion about tools and platforms currently being used and others on the horizon that are appropriate for virtual exchange and learning in general.
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm (EST)
(This is a free online event and it is open to everyone.)
Speakers and Topics:
This collaborative effort covering the topics below. Participants consist of faculty, instructional designers, and administrators from a variety of SUNY entities including the Center for Online International Learning (COIL), the University at Buffalo, Empire State College, Farmingdale State University, Nassau Community College, and Upstate Medical University who have been dabbling in virtual activities and researching the effectiveness of these new modalities.
Training Health Professionals Effective Communication Strategies with Alzheimer’s Patients and Their Caregivers: A Virtual Curriculum
Alyssa Indelicato, Special Projects Coordinator, Public Health & Preventive Medicine, SUNY Upstate Medical University -
Utilizing and leveraging existing VR to integrate into various Public Health Courses
Jessica Kruger, Clinical Assistant Professor, Community Health and Health Behavior, University at Buffalo -
Open source immersive virtual reality islands; use within the online graduate program for instruction, modeling, community, meetings, poster sessions, events; students can take a grad course that guides them through developing their islands
Eileen O'Connor, Professor, School of Graduate Studies, Education Department, Empire State College -
Designing Mixed Reality technologies within the socio-academic COVID-19 undergraduate experience
Brian O'Keefe, Assistant Professor, Interaction, Design Program: Visual Communications Department, Farmingdale State College -
A presenter's view for a Nursing COIL virtual exchange project during the American Nurses Association of NY (ANA-NY) Annual Conference
Lisa Schulte, Assistant Professor, Nursing, Empire State College -
Use of virtual and simulations in STEM, use of simulations for COIL
Nicole Simon, Associate Professor, Engineering/Physics/Technology, Nassau Community College -
GatherTown and Wonder for conference presentations
Gina Sipley, Assistant Professor, Critical Reading / Women's Studies, Nassau Community College -
VR simulation for teaching Trauma-Informed Care
Steven Sturman, Instructional Designer, School of Social Work, University at Buffalo -
Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) conference use of the VirBela virtual world for the poster/exhibit hall and after-party celebrations
Roberta (Robin) Sullivan, Teaching and Learning Strategist, Education Services, University Libraries, University at Buffalo -
Creating a collection of 360 films for teaching and research and another project to assist dementia patients
Cynthia Tysick, Head, Education Services, University Libraries, University at Buffalo -
Center for Online International Learning (COIL) Collaborations and Applied Learning Concept for remote Nursing and healthcare clinical experiences
Hope Windle, International Virtual Exchange Community Development Lead & Instructional Design Educator, Center for Online International Learning (COIL) -
Panel session moderator - Christine Marchese, Associate Professor, Accounting and Business Administration, Nassau Community College
Image source: Pexels.com
This event is offered through the UB Educational Design Collaborative (UB EDC), which consists of individuals from the university instructional support community who are dedicated to the advancement and growth of teaching and learning initiatives across UB. This event is offered in collaboration among the UB Libraries, the SUNY Center for Online International Learning (COIL), and faculty and staff from a variety of SUNY campuses.
Can't join us live? Register and you will be notified when the recording is available.
This event is targeted to faculty and is open to anyone who wishes to attend.
Send questions to ubedc@buffalo.edu
To learn more about the EDC, or to join us, check out the Education Design Collaborative Website.
Related LibGuide: AR/VR/MR/XR Community of Practice by Rose Orcutt
- Date:
- Tuesday, January 19, 2021
- Time:
- 2:00pm - 4:00pm
- Time Zone:
- Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
- Online:
- This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
- Categories:
- All Workshops Teaching