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Ways to Integrate ELN Digital Badges into Courses Online
UB Experiential Learning Network (ELN) Digital Badges were intentionally designed for seamless course integration. Join this session to explore the ways you can enhance your students' experience by integrating projects and digital badges in your courses. Already have a project as part of your course? Learn how to embed the ELN Digital Badge modules into your existing syllabus so students can earn a badge along the way. Looking for an alternative to an exam, traditional paper or extra credit project? Work with ELN to customize a project experience for your class, or give students the option to participate in a project from ELN’s Project Portal. https://buffalo.edu/eln
Presenter: Christina Heath, Experiential Learning Network (ELN)
Facilitator: Beth Fellendorf
This event is offered as part of the Summer Webinar series, a collaborative event sponsored by the UB Educational Design Collaborative (UB EDC), UB Libraries, UB Information Technology (UBIT), the Center for Educational Innovation (CEI), and various UB Schools and units.
To learn more about the EDC, or to join us, check out the Education Design Collaborative Website. EDC consists of individuals from the university instructional support community who are dedicated to the advancement and growth of teaching and learning initiatives across UB.
Send questions to ubedc@buffalo.edu
This series is targeted to faculty and is open to anyone who wishes to attend.
Can't join us live? Register and you will be notified when the recording is available.
Recordings will be available on the EDC website.